I Like I Wish I Hope I Wonder

Where there is a free press, the governors must live in constant awe of the opinions of the governed.
— Lord Thomas Macaulay

A poor leader doesn’t care about about others’ opinions.

A false leader suppresses others’ opinions.

A good leader welcomes and solicits others’ opinions.

“I like, I wish, I hope, I wonder” is a simple, low-maintenance framework to collect opinions of the governed. Every employee should reflect and share their opinions by completing these 4 sentences.

Like Wish Hope Wonder

Formally or informally, share your reflection with your manager. You can append this reflection to your weekly status report. Some weeks, nothing comes to mind or you have nothing to share. Don’t mandate sharing every week, but mandate being thoughtful every week. Beware of complete silence that lasts for more than a month. That is a sign of apathy, disengagement, and fear.

Perform this weekly routine to foster safety, empathy, and authenticity in your team. This candor contributes to your amazing collaborative advantage.


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