Change Log
“People might not get their way, but they shall have their say.”
Ideas for change can come from anywhere - anyone. And they should, since blind spots can exist anywhere. For ideas (good and bad) and decisions (good and bad), accountability and transparency are valuable.
It’s time for an important admission: most assets feel serious, cautious, and robotic. They have a tinge of defensiveness as organizations try to minimize negative surprises. The Change Log aims for the opposite of all that. The Change Log is the vehicle to dream, brainstorm, and create positive surprises. The Change Log is the place to channel curiosity, creativity, playfulness, fun, and love. Stakeholders playing off each other (see Improv’s section on “Yes, And”) can create moments of serendipity – for the team and ultimately, for customers.
Examples of “Status” include: Undecided, Approved, Rejected, Deferred
Instead of needing to MAKE employees buy into projects, you can build the assets and the culture where the employees become the SOURCE of projects. The Change Log is the place to capture these project ideas. A Change Log contains ideas you are running FROM as well as running TO. Alternate (and fun … and dramatic) titles are your “Universe of Ambitions” and “Our Boundless Aspirations.”
The Change Log is the repository for methodical creativity. This backlog helps to set the tempo and helps reduce lumpiness of innovation. Having transparency to this information helps manage the flow of innovation work as the team promotes it to the roadmap. Having a Change Log fosters job and career security!
Upstream Assets: Market Forces Matrix, Voice of the Customer, Scorecard, I Like I Wish I Hope I Wonder
Downstream Assets: Roadmap
Frequency: monthly