Parking Lot / BRIQ Log
“Find your next blind spot before it finds you.”
“BRIQ” stands for Barriers, Risks, Issues, and Questions. All teams have them. Unless something is so sensitive that it must escape documentation, concise wording and public alignment is valuable for the corresponding Bridge, Mitigation, Resolution, and Answers.
One caution about a BRIQ Log, and one reason why the log is useful in the first place, is that the team can lose context of the optimal time to answer / resolve / mitigate and the optimal place to log the answer / resolution / mitigation. All conclusions in a BRIQ Log belong in some combination of other assets – their rightful context.
Mark Langley, a recent president of PMI (Project Management Institute), encourages ensembles to celebrate and admire problems (like those included in a BRIQ Log) as gems since they are now out in the open and can be addressed. There is a ton of value in hot pursuit of the next uncertainty, problem, and risk. Find it before it finds you.
Upstream Assets: Project Charter, Status Report
Downstream Assets: Project Plan, Future State Script, Future State Process Flow
Frequency: weekly