Innovation Blog
The Why of an Innovation Factory
The What of your Asset Portfolio
The How In the Empathetic Arts
A Steering Committee is Counterproductive
Bundling a group of highly-paid employees into a group labeled a Steering Committee fosters a culture of ambiguity, ego, exclusivity, and high cost. Assign those individuals to maximize speed, quality, inclusivity, and durability.
Good Leadership
For your team, good leadership is everything. As a good leader, you govern yourself, govern work, and govern others before elevating others. Reduce the subjectivity, ambiguity, and cost of good leadership with methodology.
False Leadership
Some people in power act in bad faith. Call them a contrarian, infiltrator, saboteur, narcissist, and predator. There is a market for them, and they are everywhere. They have their methodology. You need yours.
Poor Leadership
You have experienced poor leadership. Different flavors include monopolizing opinions, command and control, bossiness, and climbers. Be able to describe poor leadership, navigate it, and overcome it.