Innovation Blog
The Why of an Innovation Factory
The What of your Asset Portfolio
The How In the Empathetic Arts
Pre-Project and Cross-Project Information
In innovation, most attention is the work within the project. Before your next project begins, consider what questions your team should answer. This documentation provides transparency, alignment, and sets you up for success.
Awareness Blast
At the start of every project, to accomplish the first “A” in ADKAR, notify your stakeholders. An Awareness Blast is a low-maintenance way to let stakeholders know they need to contribute, and they need to help to identify other stakeholders who need to contribute.
Manage The People Dimension of Change With ADKAR
To manage the People side of Change, apply a framework such as ADKAR (owned by PROSCI). Shepherd your stakeholders through Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, Reinforcement with corresponding assets.
Improve Your Culture’s Speed
Which of your culture traits can you trace to impacting your speed? Consider trust, ambiguity, interruptions, fatigue, burnout, bottlenecks, egos, hero mentality, simplicity, complexity, silos, bureaucracy, meeting gridlock, and email overload. Fix your culture. Fix your Speed.
Use Case Inventory
Details of your Current State that help you determine the most compelling innovations to pursue.
Current State Inventory
Transparency for your Current State is instrumental to know what is most valuable and urgent to innovate next.
What Can Business Learn From Parenting
It’s a stretch to say parenting is one of the performing arts. It’s not a stretch to say that the language, habits, and culture of parenting are valuable to innovation. Autonomy, growth, grace, and self-sufficiency only start the list of ways that business learns, benefits, and profits from the art of parenting.