Innovation Blog
The Why of an Innovation Factory
The What of your Asset Portfolio
The How In the Empathetic Arts
Methodology Debt
For employees, a common topic relates to a worker shortage, talent shortage, or a leadership void. In innovation, common topics are tech debt and documentation debt. We need to talk more about Methodology Debt.
Collaborative Advantage
The world is a hyper-competitive place. Plenty of experts say they have your next competitive advantage. Think about what it means to have a collaborative advantage.
Ruthless Grace
Ruthless Grace is the combination of discipline and empathy. Ruthless - not cruelty or punishment - but the likelihood of a sunrise and sunset tomorrow. Grace reminds us that we are human and our teams are human.
Structure of Upcoming Book
Three metaphors give structure to the book. The metaphor of a factory shapes the Why. The metaphor of an Asset Portfolio - a documentation inventory forms the What. The metaphor of the Performing Arts shapes the How of the Innovation Factory.